IOP DOMAINS online CPD programme
An integrated online CPD programme for all those involved in teaching physics, consisting of CPD videos designed to complement live, interactive, online CPD sessions for each physics domain. The CPD videos cover aspects of teaching at 11-14, 14-16 and 16-19 years.
Each half term they will be running CPD sessions on two or more domains that they cover on the IOP’s resources website IOPSpark. These sessions are specifically designed for all teachers of physics including ECTs, NQTs and trainees. There is no charge to attend, but you do need to book your place in advance.
For more details and to book a place for the live online sessions click here.
IOP Maths on Monday CPD series
Maths on Monday covers a range of topics for all teachers of GCSE Physics / Science. These fortnightly live online CPD sessions have been designed to support non-specialist teachers who wish to develop their understanding of the underlying Maths required by the GCSE specifications. In addition, Physics specialists will improve their understanding of why their students sometimes find the maths aspects of the course challenging. Each session is stand-alone. For a full list of all the Maths on Monday sessions and to book click here.