
Inspire your students to explore the fascinating world of physics by encouraging them to enter our exciting physics competition. This is a fantastic opportunity for young minds to showcase their creativity while delving into topics that captivate their interests.

Get them to show us how physics lights up their world!

From robots that navigate our daily lives to the renewable energy solutions shaping our future, physics is the force behind it all. This is your student’s chance to share their passion for physics, and there are some stellar prizes up for grabs.

We want teams of up to three to create a captivating video that showcases what fuels their fascination with physics. Videos should be around 3 minutes long and will be judged on Content, Creativity and Clarity. The competition is open to year 12 students from state schools in England.

The Universe awaits, and so do these incredible prizes:

The top ten teams will join us for an overnight event at Merton College where they will present their video to the judging panel and other finalists. The teams will receive:

  • £400 in Amazon vouchers (for single entrants)
  • £600 in Amazon vouchers for teams of two or three (to be split equally among team members)
  • £1000 for physics equipment awarded to the school/college of all finalist teams

The overall winning team will be announced at the event and will win the Grand Prize!

Unleash the Power of Physics and win the Grand Prize!

The overall winning team will be given the opportunity to go on the ultimate physics field trip, a visit to CERN in Switzerland! Schools will be offered funding to take the winning team to visit the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. This two night adventure will allow you to witness this colossal machine that unravels the secrets of the universe, and dive into the world of particle physics.

Teacher Guide

Includes a step-by-step guide to entering a team

Student Guide

Topic ideas and video tips to boost your entry


Still got questions? Decode them here

Activate your Particle Accelerator – the competition is now open!

The countdown is on for teams to submit entries and make waves!

Download the forms here:

Teacher Application Form
Student Consent Form
Parent Consent Form

Teachers must submit videos by 11.59pm on Monday 19 February 2024.

Please read the competition Terms and Conditions before entering!

If you have any questions about the competition please get in touch:

Competition Partners:
