Thursday 24th February or Thursday 26th April
1.00pm to 4.30pm – via Zoom
Who is the course for?
This half-day course is designed for those new to training physics teachers, specifically those who will be offering training to non-specialist or early-career teachers as part of the Physics Partners support for schools. Participants are expected to have specialist knowledge of physics to at least first-degree level and to have taught physics at KS3, 4 and Post 16 for at least 5 years.

What are the intended outcomes?
The course will enable you to use your physics knowledge and teaching experience to support new and non-specialist teachers in partnership with Physics Partners. You will feel more confident in training adult professionals, planning sessions and introducing training techniques. The course will cover how to enhance subject knowledge and pedagogical content-knowledge as well as how to share great teaching tips.
How will the course be delivered?
We will meet live, online via Zoom, with opportunities for breakout groups and individual tasks. The course runs from 1.00 until 4.30 with a couple of short breaks for refreshments.
Who is delivering the course?
The course leader is Christina Astin of Astin Consulting, trainer with Physics Partners, IOP, STEM Learning and Secondary Science Adviser for Kent. She will be joined by other expert trainers from Physics Partners who also have years of experience of training for similar organisations who will support participants on the day. Together they will also continue to support you as mentors in the early stages of your practice as a trainer.
What do I need to do next?
Please click one of the Eventbrite links below to register for the session you wish to attend.
Some pre-course reading will be sent to delegates a week before the course takes place.
Course breakdown:
- Introduction to Physics Partners and participants
- Effective CPD – what we know from experience and research
- The challenges for early-career teachers and non-specialists
- How is training adults similar to/different from teaching children?
- Planning a training session – face-to-face or online
- Effective training techniques – working with a mentor
- Personal development plan
- Information about access to further support and resources